Introducing the new programme

It's been a little while now since the new programme was released and I think people have started to settle down about the changes. I'm excited to move over and get started but my district isn't starting Easter so I've still got a bit to wait... however I am a planner and I have some ideas on how I'm going to introduce the changes to my girls which I thought I would share with you! 

Autumn 2018
During the Autumn term I'm going on two different trainings for the new programme. I know I probably don’t need to go on two but they’re slightly different and I want to make sure I’m as clued up as possible. 

I’m also going to be starting the anniversary badges in the autumn term just so there isn’t as many new badges come Easter! We have a few Rainbows who will be due their first year badge in September anyway so it seems like a good time to start. 

Spring 2019
In the Easter holidays I’m going to organise a activity day for the girls with a parent meeting at the end, also inviting any new starters we have for the next term. We’ll introduce the books and fill in the details such as their unit name, time etc and afterwards work on a interest badge together as a unit. I think because Rainbows haven’t had badges to do at home before, doing one as a group and giving examples of how they can complete certain tasks will help encourage them to work on bits at home! 

The parents meeting will be to introduce the 6 themes to parents so they know what their daughter works towards in Rainbows and to also hopefully encourage their girls to work on badges at home so they understand how they fit in with skill builders and answer any general queries really! 

Summer 2019
For the first half of the Summer term I plan to spend a week on each of the 6 themes to introduce the girls to the topics and to build some unit meeting hours. 

In the latter half of the term we’ll work towards a skill builder, letting the girls pick the theme and stage (1 or 2 for Rainbows) and mix in normal summer term activities too like a trip to the park and final week of term party! 

Autumn 2019
After that in September 2019 I think the plan will be to do a skill builder per term, letting the girls pick a theme and stage again and do a few hours of unit meeting activities from topics other than the skill builder. We’ll of course still do christmas and easter activities and any other random things the girls want to do but I am excited for more of a structure to follow with the Rainbows. 

I also plan to have something interactive for the girls to set out each week including all six themes. I've seen people create dice and make flowers but basically something simple to help them visualise the programme each week. 

I may update this post after I've been on some trainings and learnt more but so far this is my plan! 

I’m also thinking of next summer running a ‘summer camp’ for Rainbows, a bit like a summer scheme for 2 to 3 days. I used to help run holiday Brownies which I really enjoyed and thought it might help parents with child care during the holidays and offer it out to other Rainbow units in our district too. If you’ve ever ran anything like that please let me know down below or via my instagram! 

Speak soon,


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