Games I play with my Rainbows

Playing games during meetings is something I am sure we all do with our girls and the majority love it! However sometimes it can feel like you are always playing the same one or if like my Rainbows at the minute only want to play one game and one game only! I feel to ensure leaders sanity its important to introduce some new ones once and a while! So today I will share with you 5 games I play with my Rainbows which would also work well with Brownies! 

1. Sharks
This game involves a few rainbows (depending on your numbers) standing in the middle of the room along with one leader pretending to be sharks with their hands. The other girls start at one side of the room and have to run across to the other without being eaten (touched by the sharks hands). If they are eaten they then go to the side and watch and the last Rainbow is the winner! The name and animal could be changed to fit with a certain theme or badge and not only does in burn some energy but I find they love it! 

2. Hedgehogs
Now I've heard this game called a few different things but at my unit we call it Hedgehogs. All the girls have to find a spot on the floor and curl up in a ball like a hedgehog with their face towards the ground so they can't see anything. Then a leader will come and place a blanket over one girl and the others have to figure out who is under the blanket! This works better with more girls and is good a few weeks into term to see how learning new names is going! 

3. Sleeping Lions
All these games seem to have animal names so far but sleeping lions is a game i really enjoyed playing when I was a Rainbow and the girls seem to love it too! Similar to hedgehogs all the girls find a spot on the floor and curl up asleep like a lion. Once you say go the girls can't make a movement, once they do they sit out and the final girl is the winner! In my unit we let the winner choose the animal they want to pretend to be next! 

4. Throw the teddy/Olivia
This is another get to know you game and also a bit of memory game. You start of by picking a theme such as name, favourite colour, favourite subject at school etc and every girl tells the group theirs. Then you throw the teddy to another girl and recall their fact and so on. This would probably work best with older Rainbows onwards but when I've done this they've all remembered a lot and it helps people get to know each other! 

5. Matching ladybirds
The final game I'm going to talk about requires a few more materials than the others and I believe it is featured in 'The World' roundabout. The girls are given a blank ladybird picture to colour in and have to colour both sides in the same. Leaders then laminate the pictures and cut them in half. Girls are given one half and then have to find the other. Depending on the amount of time you have to complete this you can make the difficulty of hiding them easy or hard and it also works well outside if you have the space! 

So thats 5 games I play regularly with my Rainbows, let me know any suggestions down below as I am always looking for new ones to try! 

M x 


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