Location Lorne

Last weekend I travelled to Lorne House, the Girlguiding Training centre in Northern Ireland for a residential weekend called 'Location Lorne'. I booked on to the weekend to complete the residential for my Queen's Guide award and really wanting to push myself I decided to travel to a different country on my own with people I hadn't met before. I also wanted to go to Lorne as I am from Northern Ireland and started my guiding journey as a Rainbow there. It defiantly was a challenge and I was very anxious before going but I'm so so so glad I did! 

The house itself is stunning as well as the grounds that go with it. All the bedrooms are named after a different county in Ulster and I was in the South Down room with two other lovely girls Amber and Joanna. We all arrived on the Friday evening and had a chance to get to know each other through dinner and a Irish vs Scottish quiz. Me and my room mates all headed to bed pretty early (even though we were the youngest) but we had a pretty busy day planned for the Saturday so we needed our rest. 

One of the great things about Lorne is that it has a shop! I don't live near any Guiding shops, instead we have a depot so it was lovely getting to see all the guiding gifts and resources in one place. I got a brownie bear keyring (to match my Rainbow one) a Ulster magnet, a South Down badge and a cute little rainbow badge. I already have quite a few Northern Irish / Lorne badges so I didn't go too over board! 


After our shopping we headed on the first trip of the day which was the Titanic museum in Belfast. I've always wanted to visit it and it was super interesting, especially learning about those on board and the victims / survivors. 

After Titanic we headed to the Giants Causeway, something I learnt lots about at school! This was probably my favourite trip and the causeway was just beautiful! I loved learning about all of Finn's clues he left too and the gift shop was fab! 

Our last stop of the day was Carrick A Rede rope bridge which I'm not going to lie was terrifying! It was so windy and it's made worse by the fact you have to go over the bridge twice but I did it and I have the certificate to prove it! 

On the Sunday morning we were all surprised with a Location Lorne Badge on our chairs at breakfast which is the perfect end to any Guiding trip! All I'm still feeling slightly tired from it all it really was a great few days and I'm so glad I decided to push myself and book on! 

I am also one step further to completing my Queen's Guide which is very exciting! 

Speak soon,
M x


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