Dear Girlguiding....
I have been a member of this incredible organisation since I was 4. I started as a Rainbow, never left and now I run my own Rainbow unit at the age of 19. I am so thankful for the opportunities and experiences that Girlguiding has created for me. My confidence, communication, leadership and organisation skills have all benefited immensely and I know without having Girlguiding in my life I would not be the woman I am today.
With the new programme that was released this weekend I am excited for the future as a Girlguiding leader. The new topics and themes are going to not only allow girls to have fun but allow them to grow and be better prepared for their future. The new structure as well makes the sections flow better which I hope will increase retention and allow the girls to understand better the organisation they are apart of.
As a leader I am looking forward to attending trainings on the new programme, to reading the new handbooks and planning meetings. But I wouldn't be a leader if it wasn't for the experiences my own leaders created for me as a young member. Being a young member is how I fell in love with Guiding, why I never left which is why the new programme changes have left me disappointed as a young adult within the organisation.
The new programme was launched with #everygirl but with an underdeveloped 18 - 30 offer i don't think the hashtag should have been used as a previous group of members have essentially been stopped from taking part in unit meetings. As a member who already engages with D of E, Peer Ed, Leadership and the Queen's Guide Award I am missing out with no longer being able to go to Rangers. This new programme took two years to develop so why isn't the 18 - 30 offer ready?
I know their is more information to come, stuff we don't know yet. But I worry that the idea of social groups with turn more into friendship groups that aren't inclusive for all. That organising meet ups will fall onto the same people every time. From what I've heard others feel the same. I want a programme, I want structure and unit meetings and I think a lot of others my age want the same.
My disappointment with the changes to Rangers in no way represents how I feel for Guiding in general. My love for Girlguiding remains and well as my hopes and ambitions for where I'll go on my Guiding journey but I really hope this age group won't be forgotten that the changes we didn't want will lead to something we'll enjoy!
M x
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