Guiding Roles I would like to have in the future

Despite being in guiding since Rainbows, it wasn't until I became a young leader that I began to understand the District, Division, County, Region structure of Girlguiding.
Despite being in guiding since Rainbows, it wasn't until I became a young leader that I began to understand the District, Division, County, Region structure of Girlguiding. Once I understood this I realised how many roles there is within Guiding beyond that of leadership which need to be filled for Guiding to work! Over the years now I've heard more about these roles and what each one takes and there is some that over my Guiding journey I would like to hold! I'm not sure if i'll ever hold any of these roles or not or I might end up with different ones but I think it is important to have goals and ambition (and fun of course) in whatever you do, even if it is volunteering! 
Before I get on to what roles I would like to be in the future I would also like to add that I don’t think its wrong for volunteers to not hold roles beyond that of leadership or with a unit. Everyone in guiding has different amounts of time to give and different needs to be fulfilled and the Girlguiding wouldn’t work unless its members were all so wonderful and unique! 
1. District Commissioner 
The role of district commissioner is really important as its the closest between county and local guiding and its a role that most people take their turn at in the district and I'd really like to take my turn and help grow and support guiding and leaders in my local area!
2. Peer Educator and Rainbow trainer
I was at a training event a little while ago now and it got me thinking about how I would like to become a trainer in the future! Currently I’m too busy to commit to such a role but it’s defiantly something I would like to do so once I ‘retire’ from being a Peer Educator at the age of 26, I think I’ll start the process! I would really like to train Peer Educators as that’s a part of Guiding I love and want to stay involved in and also a Rainbow trainer as thats my section of choice and I’d really like to help and support other Rainbow leaders! 
3. County Rainbow Advisor 
Similar to the Rainbow trainer I would at some point like to be County Rainbow Advisor! I love being a Rainbow leader and the Rainbow section in general so I would love to be able to be knowledgeable on it enough to help other Rainbow leaders in my area with any problems or queries they may have! 
4. Peer Educator Coordinator 
Being a Peer Educator is a role I love having! But unfortunately, it has an age limit so it’s not something I’ll be able to do forever! Despite that there is roles higher up which without people doing wouldn’t allow Peer Educators to do their thing so in the future I would like to be a part of Peer Education at a higher level like county or region coordinator (maybe even lead volunteer- who knows!)
5. Badge Depot
I'm not sure what the office title of this role is and I think it depends on the actual county if it exists or not but i'd like to run the badge/shop depot. This involves ordering the official guiding products that units order and then once in arrives packaging the orders up and getting them to the units that need them! I love organisation and packaging parcels (as well as badges) and I think this is something i'd really enjoy! 

What roles would you like to have within Guiding? M x 


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