Queen Guide Award Update

In February last year I started my Queen's Guide Award and as you have three years to complete it I have until February 2020 to finish. To be honest since starting I haven't achieved too much of it but I still have plenty of time to finish and my goal is Thinking Day February 2019 which I can achieve if I stick to my plan so we shall see! I thought I'd do a post on what I've done, what I've yet to do and how I plan to do it! 

Part 1- service in guiding, getting involved in guiding at lots of different levels and projects! 
Element 1 is practical guiding for 60 hours with 20 hours dedicated to one particular project. I've found this part probably the easiest and my 40 hours quickly added up with rainbow meetings, a rainbow sleepover and holiday brownies. For my 20 hours on a specific project I've decided on my Brownie module 1 qualification which I aim to finish by summer/early autumn. 

Element 2 is attending a residential event and accepting a new responsibility that lasts at least two nights. Since starting uni I've started helping out at Brownies as well as Rainbows and near Easter time the Brownies are going on pack holiday so I'm going with them with the new role of craft/activity coordinator which should be lots of fun! 

Element 3 is an part I'm looking forward to and it is the planning of an event for at least two units and as I am an event management student this is very me! I have a planning meeting in a few weeks with the Rainbow leaders in the division for the annual Rainbow day which I'm hoping to help plan! 

Finally for part 1 is Element 4 which I'm finding quite difficult is participating in a working group/committee for Girlguiding. I've applied for a few and have either been unsuccessful or am waiting to hear back or others I've had other commitments when they've been on but I'm hoping to be able to join some sort of regional task and finish group- again i will keep you updated! 

Part 2- Outdoor Challenge
Element 1 is something I completed last year and that was gaining my my Senior Section Permit. I organised an overnight to Copeland Cottage, probably my favourite guiding holiday place I've visited and had lots of fun grass sledging and geocaching with my friends. 

Element 2 is an expedition or exploration which I was supposed to go on this summer but we couldn't find enough people to go with us so will take place next summer instead. Me and my friend Rosie are going to the Isle of Wight for ours and this year we sold a challenge badge based on the island to raise money and all 500 badges sold! I will defiantly be doing lots of posts on it when we do go! 

Part 3- Personal Skill Development 
For a long time I have wanted to learn sign language. I'm sure one day it'll come in useful as a leader but generally I want to be able to communicate with people who I wouldn't be able to after experiencing a deaf customer at work and feeling so useless that I couldn't be of more help! Next week I am starting a 10 week introduction to sign language course and this will be the start of my personal skill development!  

Part 4- Community Action
I think for this section I'm going to do something with Peer Ed, I think I'm going to look at Gender Stereotypes and how they affect girls and run some sessions too! 

Part 5- Residential Experience 
For this residential the majority of participants have to be unknown to you so I am going to Waddow Hall to volunteer at Magic and Mayhem which I'm really looking forward to as I've always wanted to go its just been to far for me to take my girls! 

So that it currently where I am at for the award and I'm hoping by the end of 2018 most of these things will be complete. I honestly can't wait to achieve this award and for the presentation as it really is such an achievement! Guiding is one of my biggest passions in life (alongside animals and organising things) so achieving the highest award a Guide can is going to be a pretty great feeling!

M x


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