Girlguiding and tackling Period Poverty!

I've had this post half written for quite a while now however due to recent announcements from Girlguiding I thought now would be the best time to get this finished off and posted! 

Last week Girlguiding along with their advocate panel launched a new resource and campaign to help reduce period poverty in the UK.  One in ten girls in the UK cannot afford the products they need, resulting in them having to use toilet roll or old clothes instead! Facts like this are commonly associated with girls in developing countries however we are facing similar problems at home which I don't think enough people realise! 

Scotland is leading the way providing the products for free for girls in low income households and although I think thats great, more needs to be done! Any women can experience their period coming unexpectantly without having products on them and I think this is particularly important when thinking of girls just starting and perhaps aren't experiencing a regular cycle. Through having products available in toilets in school, work places and public restrooms in general, all girls will benefit and providing help shouldn't be determined by income, sometimes we all need a little bit of extra help! 

I've really been thinking about this over the last few months and how I can help in my local area. For example in my SU at uni all toilets have products for those that need it but this is needed across all campuses and perhaps I can help it getting that implemented. In my meeting place the same thing could be introduced to not only help girlguiding members but the local community! 

Being a girl led and girl focused organisation I really hope this is just the beginning of the work Guiding is doing to tackle Period Poverty for girls! This is such an important topic but there is still so much to be done! 

For instance the Tampon Tax. Girls and Women have no choice about getting their period and the expense that comes with it but the government could remove the tax charged on sanitary products and lessen the price for women. However when women vocalise this there is intense opposition and stigma from doing so! Periods are not something to be ashamed of and are completely normal and society should not make us feel otherwise! 

As a Rainbow and a Brownie leader I don't fee this is really an area to focus due them just being too young but that doesn't take away from its importance for the older section and I'll be encouraging the guide and ranger leaders I know to get involved!  I know i'll be wearing my badge on my camp blanket with pride and

‘I pledge to tackle period stigma by talking openly about periods, so no one feels embarrassed talking about them.’

Speak to you all soon!

M x


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