A Guiding Update

For today's post I thought I would share with you all a little bit of a Guiding update, what I'm currently doing and what I'm working towards as at the moment I am getting up to lots of exciting stuff. 

As you all know I am a Rainbow leader and am also currently working on my module one for Brownies where I also help out! I have just taken over as leader in charge at my Rainbow unit (with the continued support of the previous leader in charge) which I am really excited about! 6 of our current Rainbows are moving up to Brownies next week which although is sad I've gotten to offer places to 6 girls on the waiting list which is very exciting! We have a busy term coming up, celebrating the Royal wedding, taking part in Future Girl and we are also going to be working on a Roundabout after half term.

This term is also very exciting for my Brownies too as the unit is celebrating their 90th Birthday! I got the job of organising the badge (you know I love badges!) and I am so pleased with it! I can't wait for it to arrive and to celebrate with the girls. We haven't had a planning meeting yet for Brownies but I'm hoping to do the Brownie go for it with some of the older girls as well as the new Google badge!

Something else I want to do with Brownies is run a Breaking Free session, as well as lots of other units in my area. I recently went to the training for this resource at North West HQ and had lots of fun and I can't wait to get out and running some sessions! I'm currently working on my Queen's Guide Award and Breaking Free is part of my community action project and it is my aim to between now and January run 10 sessions which I'm hoping I can do! 

In June once my university exams have finished I'm heading to Waddow Hall to volunteer at Magic and Mayhem. I've loved the sound of this event for years but its just too far for my units too attend so I'm really excited to go and volunteer! I'm using this as one of my residential for my Queens Guide award too!

I'm also currently working towards my Chief Guide award and Commonwealth award. Once I complete my Commonwealth I complete my last octant and therefore my Chief Guide award. I'll finish those up in July once I have completed my Commonwealth volunteering project so I'm really looking forward to getting that! 

I'm putting a bit more effort into my guiding instagram at the moment- @megsguidingadventures. I'm using my proper camera to take photos and planning them and finding my engagement is much higher which is great! I've got lots of exciting stuff planned for it too so I'm looking forward to that! 

I make guiding folders and have made over 100! I recently received a very large order so I'm busy making them in between volunteering, studying and work and I also found the time to make myself a Queens Guide Award one! 

I'm hoping in late August to go to the Isle of Wight for my Queens Guide Exploration so I'll keep you updated for that and certainly blog it and my tips for organising an exploration as its defo the hardest bit in my opinion!

 As an Events Management student I love organisation and with the new program coming in September I know it is going to be a large cost for lots of units so I'm hopefully going to plan a few little fundraisers to help the units in my district. 

I think thats everything for now, I've got lots of exciting things coming up! Let me know what you're doing with Guiding at the moment!

M x 


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