Peer Education explained- For Rangers

One of my roles in guiding is being a Peer Educator and I love it so much! I visit Brownie, Guide and Ranger units and talk to them and teach them topics like body confidence and mental resilience. I thought I would do a post explaining a bit about Peer Ed and what you need to do to become a Peer Educator and once you are trained!

To become a Peer Educator you first of all need to attend a training which usually runs over a weekend, organised at either county or regional level. You can usually find out when these are running by contacting your county Peer Ed coordinator or checking your local guiding websites. Even if there isn't any up and coming, tell people you want one as if they know there is demand it will increase the likelihood of a training taking place.

After your initial training you will be able to run sessions for units in one of the three resources, then after your first day you will be able to attend extra day trainings on the other two resources. 

It can be a bit daunting having to go out and run sessions initially but you will receive lots of support from your coordinator and fellow educators. Also you can commit as little or as much as you want- if you want to run 1 session a term you can or you can do more, its completely flexible to you. Also sometimes you may need to buy some resources to run your session but there are grants available for that- you should never be out of pocket. 

Peer Educators can also earn awards; Bronze (3 Sessions), Silver (25 sessions) and Gold (50 sessions). I've nearly reached my silver and I hope to one day run 100 sessions so hopefully one day they'll introduce a level for that! 

Before I went on my initial training i was soooooo nervous, i'd rarely been on guiding residential's and i didn't know anyone going to the training so it was pretty daunting but I had a great time and made a really great guiding friend called Rosie who I'm now doing my Queen's Guide exploration with. Since becoming a Peer Educator I have honestly felt so much more confident in myself and things such as public speaking or meeting new people don't daunt me no where near as much now! I also love getting to help girls, they get so much from the sessions and enjoy them so much and if running a session helps even just one girl then i'll take it!

I absolutely love Peer Education and I hope one day to be involved in it at a higher level and help even more girls. If you have any questions let me know down below or on my instagram!

M x


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