Brownie Promise Ideas

Currently I am working towards my module one for Brownies, although Rainbows is my main section, I still work quite a bit with the Brownies through Shropshire Holiday Brownies, Peer Education and since starting University I stay most week after Rainbows to help with Brownies. So I thought it might be useful to complete my module one for the section as then I can be an official Brownie leader! I’m also using module one for Brownies towards my Queens Guide (Service in guiding, 20 hour project) so all in all it’s going to be a pretty useful qualification to have! 

I’ve only been working on it since after Christmas, so I really haven’t achieved a lot, however last week I ran the session for my Brownie unit on the promise so I thought I would share with you all what I did for some inspiration! 

I wanted to start the meeting by letting them let off some steam so I made a promise relay to act as a reminder of the promise and get them working together. For this activity I printed the promise off and cut it into chunks, printing it in different colours so each six would have a different one. All the coloured pieces were placed at the other side of the room, muddled up and the rules were the girls could only take the piece they picked up back to their six if it was the correct colour, if not they had to leave it behind. Once the girls had all of their pieces they could then put it into the correct order and the first group to do this correctly were the winners. What I like about this activity is that it doesn't take too long, so could be done at both the start an end of the meeting to test them or be done in the middle of a meeting as a energiser or filer. 

After the relay the we moved onto this super cute craft- Promise Owls. I got inspiration for this from Pinterest (and I think I found a template there too!) and the girls really enjoyed making these and personalising their owls so they were all a little different. 
For this you will need:
- Owl templates
- Brown card
- Pencils
- Glue Sticks
- Scissors
- Plain Papaer 
- Pens
- Split Pins
- Promise (printed onto squares)
- Hole punch 

This craft is quite simple for the girls to complete themselves and with the support of their six however when it gets to  having to put the split pins into the wings with the hole punch I would suggest leader support as the pins can be a lil sharp! But this is defiantly an easy yet effective craft which I’m sure your girls would enjoy! 

Finally, the last Promise related activity I did was about good turns (which is more associated with the law I know).I got the girls back into their sixes and got them to discuss good turns they could do at home. The ones they came up with ranged from walking the dogs to making their parents a cup of tea. I then challenged them all to try and do a good turn everyday for a week so I’ll see at their next meeting whether or not they achieved it! 

So that was all I did with them that evening- I hoped they enjoyed it and I certainly enjoyed planning and running it. Let me know any of your promise activity ideas! 

M x


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