Guiding Goals 2018

Last year I wrote a bit of a list of things i wanted to do with guiding in 2017! Recently I found the list after forgetting about it and i'm pretty pleased I've achieved most things on it! So for 2018 I thought I would write some guiding goals then this time next year i can do another post and see how many I have achieved! 

1. Run 30 Peer Ed Sessions
I love being a Peer Educator and getting to increase awareness about such important topics! I want to run 30 sessions and reach even more girls and hopefully help them! So far I have ran 18 and i reckon I can do 12 in the next year! 

2. Go on my Queen's Guide Exploration
This was supposed to happen last summer but unfortunately never did! This summer however i want to make sure it does and get one of the biggest things ticked off! My exploration is going to be in the isle of wight and I'm really looking forward to it!

3. Reach 20 nights away with guiding
So far I have went away for 9 nights with guiding as only recently have i started going away but i think next year with my exploration along with two weekends away for my Queens Guide i should be able to reach 20!

4. Complete my Chief Guide Award
I only have one octant left to complete then i will have finished! However it is my international octant which to complete i need to finish my commonwealth award so this one may take some time but we'll get there.

5. Join a guiding committee
Part of wanting to join a guiding committee is because of my Queens Guide award but also because I think it would be a really fun opportunity. Guiding is one of my biggest passions and i feel being apart of a committee would expand my knowledge of the organisation and just be lots of fun. 

6. Work with Girlguiding on a project or campaign
This could be with the magazine or the website or even something bigger! I'd love to get to be apart of guiding nationally somehow! 
7. Organise an event
This is something I've done before and another part of my Queens Guide award but as an event management student organising things is what i love to do! I'm not sure on what yet but I'm sure i'll think of something. 

8. Complete module 1 for Brownies
I completed all four modules for my Rainbow leadership this summer however I am also a holiday brownie leader and sometimes stay for brownies after rainbows in my new unit so would quite like to become qualified for brownies too.

  9. Continue this blog! 
I love getting to share with people what I get up to with guiding and sharing my hints and tips so i defiantly want to continue next year! And next year i'll have more to share on things i get up to as starting university this term has meant I am not up to as much as i normally am. 

10. Continue to help girls have fun
Girlguiding does so many things for girls and I think for the girls themselves having fun is one of the most important! So in 2018 i want to continue doing all I can to make sure they have fun!

So thats what I want to do in 2018 and through the year I will keep you updated on my progress!

M x


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