Badges you may not know about!

It's a well known fact that I like badges and I love sewing new ones onto my camp blanket! As well as loving badges for my own blanket I love finding ones to gift to my guiding friends for special occasions or ones that I feel suit them well so I thought I would put a post together with some of my favourite 'fun' badges currently out there*. 

All of these are pretty much from guide Facebook groups I am apart of (Girlguiding unofficial challenge badges and guide buy, swap, sale) so if you don't use Facebook but would perhaps be interested in a badge I feature of this post let me know and i will see if I can find a contact for you! 

First of all are these alternative Happy Birthday badges, the Guiding website does sell birthday badges but only up until 14 then a few metal badges till the age of 21 but nothing for older leaders! I think these badges are super pretty and would be lovely for anyone in guiding whose birthday may be coming up! 
Camping in winter is not the easiest thing in the world so what better reward for a guider than this adorable winter themed badge!
Sometimes when wanting to thank or congratulate people in guiding we might buy them a little something but I thought these badges were a great alternative and would be lovely in a card for someone! Possibly for someone who has completed their leadership or permit or to thank a visitor for coming to you unit or for organising an event!
  I found out about this one when reading another guiding blog and thought it was amazing! I know they wouldn't be given out often but if a brownie ever did loose a tooth it would be fab to have one of these on hand! You can get these from here.
Another very fun badge, 'My leaders getting married'. On various Facebook pages I've heard a few people talk about celebrating a leaders wedding and what a lovely idea to get the girls involved! You can get hold of this from here and they also sell some fundraising badges too!  
For me certainly I love my camp blanket and its one of my favourite possessions so this badge is very true for me and I'm sure for lots others too! 

I hope you like some of these and perhaps they'll help fill a need in the future for you!
M x

*I do not own any of the photos included in this post- they are taken from the post advertising the badges I've included :)


  1. Hi Meg. I was wondering if you could tell me where to get the birthday badges as our unit has just turned 60 and these may be nice for the leaders. Also the thank you badges for the volunteers who are helping out at my pack holiday. Thanks. Rachel

    1. So sorry for my late reply! I've only just seen this. Both badges are available on the Facebook group Guiding buy sell or swop. The birthday badges are available through Katie Waite and the thank you badges through Rebecca Smith. If you don't have Facebook I could pass on your email to the sellers :) Hope this helps!


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