
Showing posts from December, 2017

Exciting Day at Girlguiding HQ

A while ago now Peer Education posted on their Facebook page asking for some Peer Educators to help film a video as part of an application for extra funding. Being a Peer Educator is one of my favourite roles in guiding but since starting university I haven’t had the chance to run any sessions or get involved and seeing as the date for the filming was in the holidays I decided to take the chance and apply! I was super excited to get an email back shortly after saying I had been successful and was invited to London to take part in the filming! I had such a great time so I thought I would share with you all what I got up too! I got to HQ for 12pm and met the lovely Amelia and Emma and headed down to ICANDO, the location where we filmed. At first I was shocked by how professional the set up was, I was kind of expecting a few guiders and a camera but we had a really lovely camera man who made us laugh and feel at ease and lots of lights too! We had a rough idea of what we were sayi...

Challenge Badges for 2018

I know that we have yet to celebrate christmas but being the extra organised person I am I've put together this list of challenge badges (official and unofficial) that you might like to do with your girls this spring term! Coming later this week I'll have a post on non badge related ideas for the 2018 spring term too! 1. The year of the dog challenge * * * * 41st Blackburn Guides I know it isn't about the design of the badge but as soon as I saw it I knew I wanted to do it with my girls! As a big advocate for animal welfare I love that this badge teaches girls how to properly look after their furry friends and it also ties in well if you want to do some Chinese new year activities as 2018 is the year of the dog.                                                    2. Libraries gave us power challenge * * * *   38th Aberdeen Brownies...

Badges you may not know about!

It's a well known fact that I like badges and I love sewing new ones onto my camp blanket! As well as loving badges for my own blanket I love finding ones to gift to my guiding friends for special occasions or ones that I feel suit them well so I thought I would put a post together with some of my favourite 'fun' badges currently out there*.  All of these are pretty much from guide Facebook groups I am apart of (Girlguiding unofficial challenge badges and guide buy, swap, sale) so if you don't use Facebook but would perhaps be interested in a badge I feature of this post let me know and i will see if I can find a contact for you!  First of all are these alternative Happy Birthday badges, the Guiding website does sell birthday badges but only up until 14 then a few metal badges till the age of 21 but nothing for older leaders! I think these badges are super pretty and would be lovely for anyone in guiding whose birthday may be coming up!  Camping in winter i...