Exciting Day at Girlguiding HQ
A while ago now Peer Education posted on their Facebook page asking for some Peer Educators to help film a video as part of an application for extra funding. Being a Peer Educator is one of my favourite roles in guiding but since starting university I haven’t had the chance to run any sessions or get involved and seeing as the date for the filming was in the holidays I decided to take the chance and apply! I was super excited to get an email back shortly after saying I had been successful and was invited to London to take part in the filming! I had such a great time so I thought I would share with you all what I got up too! I got to HQ for 12pm and met the lovely Amelia and Emma and headed down to ICANDO, the location where we filmed. At first I was shocked by how professional the set up was, I was kind of expecting a few guiders and a camera but we had a really lovely camera man who made us laugh and feel at ease and lots of lights too! We had a rough idea of what we were sayi...