What I did for my Leadership Octant

I’ve completed 7 out of the 8 octants and i’m not going to lie, as a lover of badges, I am very excited to have the completed octagon on my blanket! Today I thought I would tell you what I did for my Leadership Octant which for me I found the easiest as I have been a young leader since I was 14 and always knew one day I wanted to be an adult leader! 

The first thing I did for phase 1 was plan a meeting and run it. As a leader you will end up doing this a lot but you can make it as easy or challenging as you like for yourself. You may like to do a craft with the girls or have a games night, it really is up to you. Make sure you discuss your plans with the unit team and always have a few backup games incase you complete something early.

The next thing I did for phase 1 was attend a leadership training. I attended both safe space and the Rainbow sectional training and recommend both! The safe space is not only a leader requirement but makes you feel more confident to deal with challenging situations in your role and the sectional training is really beneficial as it will give you a deeper understanding into the section you volunteer with. 

Finally the last thing I did for phase 1 was organise a trip. I did this for my leadership qualification at the same time and I organised a christmas trip to the theatre with my Rainbows. Now because I was doing this for my leadership as well my trip was a lot more complex than it had to be as i had to budget and do forms etc but there is nothing stopping you from organising a trip like I did or any other trip you would like too! 

For phase 2 I attended a district meeting and planned an event for multiple sections. My Ranger unit organised a district campfire to raise money for a unit flag. I went along to the district meetings to tell the leaders our plans and to keep them updated on the event! 

Then finally for phase 3 I did my Peer Education training and became a peer educator. I was so nervous before going on this weekend as I only knew two people but I had such a great time and absolutely love running Peer Ed sessions. I recommend to everyone that you look into Peer Ed and attend the training if you can! 

So that is what I did for my leadership octant which was properly my favourite one to complete! 

M x 


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