Girls Attitudes Survey Explained

The 'Girls Attitudes' survey is research commissioned by Girlguiding that is currently in its 9th year! This year over 1900 girls aged 7 to 21 took part both members and non members of the organisation and it's split into 6 parts. Girlguiding uploaded information about the results onto their website which you can find here but I thought I would do a post too on the results after reading through the full report! 

1. Gender Stereotypes. 
  • Half of girls surveyed feel the need to conform to gender stereotypes but for a third of girls it inspires them to succeed! 
  • A promising statistic is that 50% feel they could challenge teachers when they use gender stereotypes!
  • 42% of girls feel boys are better at being strong that them!
  • Gender stereotypes makes girls feel: angry, anxious about the future, less important than boys and more determined to succeed. 
2. Education
  • A worrying statistic that the survey discovered is that 1/4 girls say harassment from boys and men prevents them from taking part in sport. 
  • Girls believe creative subjects such as art or music are directed more at them whilst more logical subjects are directed to boys however they feel subjects are for both genders.
  • 84% of girls aged 11 to 21 expect equal opportunities in the workplace in the future and also that looking after children should be equal between both parents.
3. Digital Technologies
  • Girls feel confident in using technology and are very able to do so however they face barriers when considering studying or working in it and a third say they wouldn't consider a career in it! 
4. Personal Safety
  • 88% of girls feel they know how to protect their privacy and information online which is reassuring!
  • The biggest online concern for 7 to 10 years olds is threats from strangers and 17 to 21 year olds agree but also are highly concerned about their appearance in photos.
5. Everyday sexism in adverts and marketing
  • Just under half of girls have seen stereotypical and sexist representations of women and girls and a consequence of this is reduced confidence! 
  • Girls state sexism is part of their daily lives however this doesn't mean it is accepted! 
  • Adverts that challenge gender stereotypes makes girls feel happy for the future and that they can be equal with boys.
6. Being a girl; inspiration, well being and politics
  • As girls grow up their positivity towards themselves decreases. 
  • 57% do not feel that politicians understand issues girls face but 43% say having a female prime minister inspires them! 
Some of the results the survey gained are quite shocking but awareness is crucial and by Girlguiding discovering this means work can be done to help girls in society! Shockingly since the 2014 survey girls face more harassment in school in 2017 which is something that defiantly needs attention urgently! 

Girlguiding and the team of advocates that supports this survey are doing an excellent job and i know it is going to benefit girls in so many ways!

M x


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