
Showing posts from June, 2018

Volunteer Week 2018

From the 1st until the 7th of June it is national volunteers week in the UK and I've loved seeing the coverage it's been getting across social media! I wanted to write a little bit of a post about volunteering and what it means to me, as well saying thank you to all those who give up their time and help others! The world would be a much worse place without volunteers!  Since starting University in September I have volunteered 155 hours and I'm not sure how I managed to fit it all in! Most of this is though being a Rainbow and Brownie leader as well as Peer Education but I've also done a fair few hours through being a University Academic Rep, ambassador and as well as being part of the Events society and volunteering at things such as the Chester Christmas light switch on. And theres so much more I wish I could do but time just doesn't allow!   'You can do anything but you can't do everything'  I'm incredibly thankful for all the volunte...

Guiding Roles I would like to have in the future

Despite being in guiding since Rainbows, it wasn't until I became a young leader that I began to understand the District, Division, County, Region structure of Girlguiding. Despite being in guiding since Rainbows, it wasn't until I became a young leader that I began to understand the District, Division, County, Region structure of Girlguiding. Once I understood this I realised how many roles there is within Guiding beyond that of leadership which need to be filled for Guiding to work! Over the years now I've heard more about these roles and what each one takes and there is some that over my Guiding journey I would like to hold! I'm not sure if i'll ever hold any of these roles or not or I might end up with different ones but I think it is important to have goals and ambition (and fun of course) in whatever you do, even if it is volunteering!  Before I get on to what roles I would like to be in the future I would also like to add that I don’...