Introducing the new programme

It's been a little while now since the new programme was released and I think people have started to settle down about the changes. I'm excited to move over and get started but my district isn't starting Easter so I've still got a bit to wait... however I am a planner and I have some ideas on how I'm going to introduce the changes to my girls which I thought I would share with you! Autumn 2018 During the Autumn term I'm going on two different trainings for the new programme. I know I probably don’t need to go on two but they’re slightly different and I want to make sure I’m as clued up as possible. I’m also going to be starting the anniversary badges in the autumn term just so there isn’t as many new badges come Easter! We have a few Rainbows who will be due their first year badge in September anyway so it seems like a good time to start. Spring 2019 In the Easter holidays I’m going to organise a activity day for the girls with a parent ...