Peer Education explained- For leaders

Peer Education is a part of guiding I am very involved in and I love having the role of Peer Educator. My home county, Shropshire are a super active team and as it is all I've ever known I kinda thought all counties were the same... However leaders in my new university county don't really know a lot about the programme as not many girls run it and I'm sure they aren't the only county like this so I thought I would do a bit of a post to explain how it works and why you should get involved! Peer Education sessions are ran by trained members of the Senior Section on topics such as body confidence and mental resilience. Girls do a complete range of activities from games to crafts and group discussions to learn important messages to help them in their futures. Currently there is two programmes Peer Educators can run; Free Being Me and Think Resilience with one focusing on Gender Stereotypes coming soon! Free Being Me is sponsored by Dove and is focused on help...