Volunteering whilst at University
Last September I started my four year Events Management course at the University of Chester. Before I even started I knew I wanted to continue guiding in some form and so far it is going great and I am loving my new unit! Today I thought I would share with you my guiding whilst at uni story so far and some advice for volunteering whilst studying! The best way for finding a new unit to volunteer with in my experience is through the Facebook page called ‘Guiding Movers’ Leaders looking for volunteers post on it as well as people moving to new areas and you post which section and area you would like to volunteer in. Of course not every unit in every area is a part of this page but leaders from university areas usually are! Depending on where you are moving too you may be very in demand! I would definitely recommend to not say yes to the first person, see where and what your options are, which unit is closest to you etc and make sure your timetable allows before you fully commit!...